Sunday, October 18, 2009

Brilliant Fucking Idea!!!

An Illegal Alien Halloween costume... That is one of the most creative ideas i've seen in awhile. But of course the damn activists are against it.
"Immigrant rights activists are calling on U.S. retailers to stop selling two controversial "Illegal Alien" costumes that have surfaced for Halloween, saying the outfits are a broadside attack on illegal immigrant"
For fuck sakes we wouldn't want to offended the Illegal Immigrants of America now would we. I mean these people are hard working fixtures of our community. Who else are we going to get to build our cities for minimum wage tax free paychecks? These people should be put on a pedestal and praised as hero's. Do you know how many fences, holes and rivers these people have encountered just for entry into out country? I say the activists can suck my ass. They demand that we respect these people, I say if they want my respect they need to earn it by entering our country legally. You can bet your ass if i can find one of theses costumes in my local area i will snatch it up and wear it proudly.

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